Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just a few more pictures of the cutest baby ever!!!


VoNique said...

So cute!

sdralphs said...

your baby boy is gorgeous. when i get back to utah im calling you so i can come see the cute lil boy and visit with you! you both look great and so happy!

B said...

Jenn! Congratulations, I didn't even know you had been pregnant! I'm so happy for you and what a beautiful little boy. We miss you guys!

Carrie and Tyson said...

Yea for more baby photos! I can't believe you told everyone his nickname. You're starting the embarrassing the kids thing early, huh? :-)

Tim, Michelle, Cayley, and Maycee said...

Collin is so cute!! I can't wait till we get to see him again on Thursday.

Josh said...

Definitely the cutest baby!

Janet Jeppson said...

Jenn and Adam!!! Ok, he is dang cute but I'll have to fight ya for the cutest ever!!! But he's really close. I'm so sad I haven't gotten to see him yet. Hopefully soon. You guys look great and I love hearing about your feelings being new parents. Ahhhh memories! Enjoy every stinkin' minute with that precious little boy. It goes by soooooooooo fast (besides, right now he IS adorable and can't talk back, run away, not listen to you...etc. Very endearing quality if you ask me!lol)love, Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve and all the kids

Kate said...

Jen, you probably know me as Kate Allan... I don't know if you know my married name, Anderson. But I wanted to congratulate you! I stumbled across your blog from the Josh and Jessi McDaniel's blog... how do you know them? It looks like things are going well for you! Enjoy your sweet baby!